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경희대학교 생활과학대학

Department of Child & Family Studies

- Tel : +82 2 961 0538
- Fax : +82 2 961 0538
- E-mail : khsc0538@khu.ac.kr
- URL : http://che.khu.ac.kr/cfs/

What is Child & Family Studies?

The major of Child and Family Studies contributes to the well-being of individuals and families across the life course and in diverse contexts by generating knowledge; by preparing specialists for research, teaching, leadership, and professional practice; and by strengthening the interconnections of research, practice, and policy. The Child developmental studies is designed to prepare students for research, college-level teaching, and professional positions that relate to the development of children and adolescents. The Family Studies program focuses on how family relationships develop and change, with particular attention to influences in the larger environment such as gender, age, historical period, birth cohort, ethnicity and socioeconomic status.

Child & Family Studies at Kyung Hee

Kyung Hee University has a strong tradition of research and practice in Child & Family Studies, widely regarded as a leader in the study of children and families. Our academic programs prepare specialists in the Child & Family Studies field. Faculty conduct significant research on a range of critical issues facing children and families in today’s society. Kyung Hee Child & Family Studies major pursues three educational goals; first, training students to be professionals in a variety of agencies and organizations serving children; second, training students to be specialists in family research, family policy, family life education, and family therapy; third training students to be teachers in child care settings and in middle and high schools.

Degree Requirements
To receive a Bachelor’s degree of Science in Child & Family Studies, all students are required to

- complete a minimum of 130 credit units
- atisfy the General Requirements of the School for professional degrees
- complete 15 units of Required Courses
- complete 39 units of Electives for Child & Family Studies
- complete 35 units (maximum 56 units) stated in the common studies program and Humanities/Social Science Electives
– complete a practicum and thesis

Year 1
Human and Living Environment, Consumers in Contemporary Society, Child Development, Sexuality & Love, Korean Family Culture, Child Welfare.
Year 2
Introduction to Early Childhood Education and Care, Play for Young Children, Counseling Psychology, Family Relationships, Gerontology, Child and the Family, Development in Middle Childhood & Adolescence, Math and Science Education for Young Children, Mental Health Issues, Family Welfare.
Year 3
Language Education for Young Children, Safety Education for Young Children, Early Childhood Curriculum, Infant Development and Education, Family Therapy, Family Strengths, Research Method in Human Ecology, Parent Education, Observation and Research of Children’s Behavior, Practicum in Family Therapy, Internship.
Year 4
Psychological Test, Topics in Education for Young Children, Internship in Early Child Educatio and Care, Family Policies, Practicum in Family Strengths, Education for the Gifted Children, Family Life Education, Seminar in Family Studies.

Careers and Graduate Destinations

Careers in the Child & Family Studies offer the chance to make a difference in the lives of many people, young and old. The goal is to help young children get off to a good start in life, provide support to families during difficult times, and enable senior citizens to make the most of their lives. Regardless of how Child & Family Studies graduates apply their knowledge and skills, they will find many outlets to do their part in making the world a better place. Students gain knowledge and skills for a variety of careers in education and intervention programs for young children and their families. Graduates are prepared to be teachers in child care center and preschool. This major also prepares students for careers in community-based programs, mental health agencies, institutes for family research, and family therapy center. Possible careers upon completion of a degree in Child & Family Studies include Family case manager, Juvenile probation office, Intake Coordinator, Child life specialist, Child abuse specialist, Social services director, and Family support worker.

Sun-Hee Ahn, Ph.D.
Utah State University, 1997, Professor, Child Studies/Early Childhood Education, shahn@khu.ac.kr
Yoon-Ja Oh, Ph.D.
Kyung Hee University, 1994, Professor, Family Studies, yoonja@khu.ac.kr
Gye-Sook Yoo, Ph.D.
Purdue University, 1995, Professor, Family Studies, dongrazi@khu.ac.kr
So-Jung Seo, Ph.D.
Michigan State University, 2003, Professor, Early Childhood Education, seosojun@khu.ac.kr
Kyung Eun Jahng, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, kjahng@khu.ac.kr
Yeon Ha Kim. Ph.D.
University of Missouri-Columbia. Professor, Early Childhood Education. yeonhakim@khu.ac.kr
Bok-Hee Cho, Ph.D.
Oregon State University, 1985, Emeritus Professor, Child Development, cho0258@khu.ac.kr

Department of Child & Family Studies

- Tel : +82 2 961 0538
- Fax : +82 2 961 0261
- E-mail : khsc0538@khu.ac.kr
- URL : http://che.khu.ac.kr/cfs/

The graduate program in Child & Family Studies prepares scholars to define problems and conduct rigorous original research that informs policies and practices aimed at supporting the well-being of children and families.

There are two program areas ;

Child Development Major : This interdisciplinary program emphasizes the study of child development in the context of relationships (including peers, teachers and family) and programs (e.g., early education, parenting interventions).
Family Studies Major : The Family Studies program focuses on how family relationships develop and change, with particular attention to influences in the larger environment such as gender, age historical period, birth cohort, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Degree Requirements
- At least 24 course units of graduate level credit in Child & Family Studies courses are required for the master’s degree and 60 course units for the doctoral degree(including units completed in master course).
- All graduate students are required to complete a qualifying examination.
- Students must fulfill presentation, defense, and document requirement for the Child & Family Studies.
- Students earning a M.S. have three committees, and those earning a Ph.D. have five committees. Students are required to have a major advisor from Dept. of Child & Family Studies.

Statistical Analysis I, Research Methods, Statistical Analysis II

Child Development Major
Parents Education, Studies in Parent Education, Parent-Child Relationships, Studies in Parents-Child Relations, Childhood and Play, Childhood and Play Therapy, Studies in Psychological Development Young Children, Child Welfare, Special Topics in Child Welfare, Special Topics in Child Counseling, Psychological Tests for Young Children, Special Topics in Child Psychology, Research in Child Behavior, Research Methods, Early Childhood Curriculum, Planning and Administering Early Childhood Education, Criticalissuesin Early Childhood Education, Seminar in Early Childhood Education, Practice in Early Childhood Education, Studies in Early Childhood Education, Special Topics in Early Childhood Education, Program Development in Early Childhood Education, Seminar in Human Development, Human Development Theories, Special Topics in Human Development, Studies in Human Ecology, Development in Middle Childhood & Adolescence, Education for Exceptional Children.

Family Studies Major
Family and Human Sexuality, Studies on Family and Environment, Special Topics on Family Relations, Seminar in Family Problems, Seminar in Family Development, Special Topics in Family Welfare, Advanced Studies in Family History, Special Topics in Family Sociology, Special Topics in Family Counseling, Advanced Studies in Family Policies, Family Therapy & Counseling, Special Topics in Family Therapy, Special Topics in Family Communication, Family Theories, Special Topics in Marriage and Couple Education, Advanced Gerontology, Advnaced Gerontology, Advanced Studies on Aging and Family, Comparative Family Studies, Special Topics in Comparative Family, Comparative Family, Seminar in Women’s Problem, Studies in Women’s Problem, Seminar in Women’s Employment and Family, Special Topics in Korean Family

Ahn, Sun-Hee, Ph.D.
Utah State University, 1997, Professor, Child Studies/Early Childhood Education, shahn@khu.ac.kr
Oh, Yoon-Ja, Ph.D.
Kyung Hee University, 1994, Professor, Family Studies, yoonja@khu.ac.kr
Yoo, Gye-Sook, Ph.D.
Purdue University, 1995, Professor, Family Studies, dongrazi@khu.ac.kr
Seo, So-Jung, Ph.D.
Michigan State University, 2003, Professor, Early Childhood Education, seosojun@khu.ac.kr
Kyung Eun Jahng, Ph.D.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, kjahng@khu.ac.kr
Yeon Ha Kim. Ph.D.
University of Missouri-Columbia. Professor, Early Childhood Education. yeonhakim@khu.ac.kr

Child Development Major

- Kyung Hee Child Center
- Dongdaemin-gu Child Care & Education Support Center

Family Studies Major

- Kyung Hee Center for Family Research & Practice

Research Projects
Child Development Major

- Effective Teacher Development Programs in South Korean Context
- Development of Early Intervention Program for young children at risk
- The Effectiveness of Parenting Support Centers over time
- Behavioral Outcomes of Young Children in Diverse Contexts

Family Studies Major

- A Study on the Development of Korean Family Strengths Scales
- Development of On-line Education Program for Family-Friendly Policies
- Contemporary Korean Families in Movies
- Public Attitudes toward Immigration, Multicultural Families, and Social Integration Policies
- Positive Psychology & Family Therapy

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